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Your home can be a danger zone for dogs, with many household products and even foodstuffs being poisonous to them. Here are six things you are likely to have in your home that can make your dog very sick indeed.
Enrolling in a canine first aid course for yourself could really save your dog’s life. At the very least you need to have a look around the house or dog’s everyday environment and see if you can remove potential dangers. Never assume that your dog’s instincts will keep your dog out of harm.
1 Medications. Although acetaminophen, aspirin and ibuprofen are great for treating our headache or fever, they’re not so good for our dogs. Acetaminophen causes liver failure and damage to red blood cells. Aspirin and ibuprofen lead to stomach ulceration and bleeding. You can prevent your dog being poisoned by these drugs by keeping all medication locked away and never treat your dog’s illness with human medication.
2. Antifreeze. If you live in a cold climate, you’d be familiar with the need to put antifreeze in your car’s radiator. This liquid tastes very sweet, and your dog will have no hesitation in licking up any spills. Antifreeze can cause permanent kidney failure in dogs, and even with treatment, they often don’t survive.
3. Chocolate. Most people are aware that chocolate isn’t good for dogs. In high enough doses it can cause vomiting, diarrhea and trembling. Dogs may then develop seizures and coma, and they may die. The toxic ingredient in chocolate is theobromine, and different types of chocolate contain different amounts. Dark cooking chocolate is most dangerous for dogs.
4. Grapes. Many people use grapes, sultanas, raisins, or currants as treats for their dog. Unfortunately, these can damage their kidneys and they may not recover. Some dogs can eat grapes and not be affected while others may become sick by eating only a handful of them. Because you won’t know how your dog will be affected until he eats grapes, it’s safer to give him something else when he has been good.
5. Organophosphates. Many flea and tick control products contain these chemicals, and they are effective in killing these annoying little parasites. However, if they are used incorrectly – either used too frequently, at the wrong concentration, or at the same time as another flea control chemical – your dog can become poisoned. Vomiting, diarrhea, and trembling are all symptoms of early organophosphate poisoning. Early treatment will have your dog back to his happy healthy self before too long.
6. Rodenticides. If you have a problem with rats or mice, you may have laid some poison bait around your home. If your dog eats them, or even eats a poisoned rodent, they can become very ill. The more common rodenticides stop blood from clotting and your dog will show signs of bleeding on his skin, or in his urine or feces. Newer rodenticides affect how the body metabolizes calcium and if your dog eats them, they can develop fatal kidney disease.
In Summary – Use household chemicals with care, and watch what you feed your dog. This reduces their risk of being poisoned.
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