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K9 Foot Problems

Foot problems in dogs are common, but they still must be treated seriously. A dog with a sore foot will often not put the sore paw on the ground at all. If there’s a cut or abrasion to the foot pad, they may leave bloody footprints as they walk.


K9 Addison’s Disease

Addison’s Disease is rare in dogs, but not unheard of. This disease is the opposite of Cushing’s Disease, which is an excess of the stress hormone cortisol in their body. With Addison’s Disease, the adrenal glands do not produce enough cortisol.


K9 Heat Cycle

If you are planning on breeding your dog, it’s important that you’re familiar with a normal heat cycle. That way you know what to expect, and when to expect it.


Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year To All

Just want to thank all of you who subscribed to my blog this year and wish you a safe a and prosperous new year in 2011.

It’s been a wonderful experience for me since going online in 2009 and I’ve learned a bunch of stuff about the internet and reaching thousands of people every day. I hope that my blog has helped you and brought you closer to your dogs’ and maybe along the way learned a little about yourselves through the journey.

I’ll be back soon to answer your questions about K9 Fitness in 2011…and beyond. For now I’m taking a little time off to spend time with my family but I’ll be back after the new year with more interesting topics and in depth reports to share with you. I look forward to the pleasure of your company.

Feliz Navidad Amigos :)

Jack Price

Drugs To Treat Separation Anxiety

If your dog has separation anxiety, your veterinarian may suggest the use of medication as he is undergoing a retraining program. While it might be amusing to think of your dog taking Prozac, these drugs can make life so much better for anxious dogs, and their owners!


Training Methods To Deal With Separation Anxiety

An important part of owning a dog is training him: training him to be obedient, teaching him where in the home he is allowed to go, and helping him to adapt to spending time on his own. While training a dog to be alone isn’t a specific part of their upbringing, most dogs learn to cope very well when you are out and about without them.


4 Ways To Deal With K9 Separation Anxiety

Does your dog bark, cry and whimper whenever you go out and leave him alone? Do you return to scratched doors, torn cushions and even soiled carpets? If so, you’re dealing with canine separation anxiety. Dogs that have separation anxiety often have a phobia to loud noises, fireworks and thunderstorms.


K9 Storms and Noise Phobias

Some dog owners dread New Year’s Eve, 4th of July celebrations and even summer thunderstorms. They know there will be loud noises and flashes of light, and they know their dog will be terrified.


What is Cushing’s Disease?

If your dog has thinning hair, a pot belly and is constantly drinking his water bowl dry, he may have Cushing’s Disease. This disease occurs when your dog has too much of the hormone cortisol in his body.


How Does A Dog Get Hypothyroidism?

The thyroid gland is a small organ in the neck, which produces a hormone called thyroxine. This hormone is involved in regulating your dog’s metabolism, and affects most organs of the body in some way.


How Does A Dog Get Diabetes?

Diabetes is a very common hormonal disorder in pet dogs. It occurs when a dog’s pancreas doesn’t produce enough insulin. This hormone is involved in properly metabolizing the sugar in their diet, and if there is a shortage, the result is high levels of sugar in their blood. This can lead to a lack of energy, weight changes and even blindness.


Causes Of K9 Obesity

The obesity rate in our pet dogs is rising almost as fast as it is in people. In some areas, up to 60% of dogs are carrying too much weight, and their health is suffering because of it.
