Category: K9 Health & Fitness

K9 Heat Stroke

Dogs don’t sweat when they are hot like we do; they rely on panting and evaporation of moisture from their mouth and tongue to keep their body temperature within normal limits. This isn’t always effective when conditions are particularly hot, such as inside a closed car. Hyperthermia, or heatstroke, is also a risk if you exercise your dog in the middle of the day during the warmer months of the year.


How The K9 Heart Works

The heart is one of the most important parts of a dog’s body. Its job is to pump oxygen-rich blood to every living cell in his body and must continue to beat for his entire lifespan.


Low Heart Rate In Your K9

The term bradycardia describes a heart beat which is either normally slow, or is lower than its usual rate. It is diagnosed if a small dog’s heartbeat at rest is less than 80 beats per minute or a large dog’s heartbeat at rest is below 60 beats per minute.


Heart Disease And Your K9

Heart disease can affect dogs of any age, and its symptoms can be debilitating. Coughing, breathlessness and fluid in their lungs and abdomen mean that life isn’t as much fun as it used to be .

Let’s look at the most common causes of heart disease in our canine companions.


Increased Heart Rate In Your K9

Your dog’s heart rate will vary, depending on many factors.

A heart rate of between 70 and 120 beats per minute is normal for healthy dogs. Smaller breeds usually have a higher heart rate than the larger breeds.


5 Common K9 Injuries

Dogs go through life as if they are invincible; however their owners are well aware that they are not! Injuries do happen, and they can be as minor as a cut to the skin, or as severe as a fractured bone. These are the most common injuries that your dog will have to contend with.


What To Do If Your Dog Gets Hit By Car

It is every dog owner’s worst nightmare. You hear the screech of brakes followed by a thud, and rush out to see your dog lying injured by the side of the road. Your distress can make it hard to think straight!


What To Do If Your K9 Gets Cut

When your dog sustains a cut to its skin, it can bleed profusely, and give you the impression that the injury is more serious than it actually is. Fortunately, most skin lacerations aren’t life threatening and you can easily learn how to manage them.


10 Must Have Items In Your K9 First Aid Kit

This is a list of suggested contents of a dog first aid kit, and some general advice on how to use them. It’s a good idea to have a first aid kit for your dog within easy reach. After all, you don’t know when your dog might injure themselves, and you don’t want to waste time looking for first aid supplies in the event of an emergency.


You Can Groom Your K9 At Home

There is no reason why you can’t groom your dog at home. This will allow you to save the money you would otherwise spend on a groomer. Perhaps you could spend it on a new toy for your dog or a special treat for them!


8 Common K9 Illnesses

Dogs are hardy creatures. If they are given the basic necessities of life such as a nutritious diet, good parasite control and regular vaccinations to prevent disease, they usually remain in good health. However, sometimes things go wrong and they do become unwell, and need veterinary care.


Chronic K9 Vomiting

Vomiting is one of the most common reasons for a dog to visit their veterinarian. It is usually associated with irritation or inflammation of your dog’s stomach and small intestine, and has many causes.
